Except for providing some licenses to old customers using older graphics cards for which XiG has support that is compatible with OS kernel being used, XiG has ceased software development operations.
Good News - Intel MGA 965 Support
The Intel GMA Family is now supported in the Summit Series. This is a very low power graphics chip architecture that now has hardware TCL (transform, clipping, and lighting) that boosts OpenGL performance considerably. Currently support is available in the LX Series, and it is being added to upcoming products for desktops. More .
Wind River VxWorks Added
Thanks to a Project with the Brazilian Navy, support for the VxWorks kernel is being added to Summit Series. The use of an RTOS kernel with an X server is not often encountered, it seems. Maybe that will change now that fast, stable commercial X graphics is available on the kernel. It isn't UNIX, but it works with X now. interesting.
Accelerated-X On IBM AIX
WallDisplay HX Series now running on IBM AIX v5 and v6 kernels in Power5 boxes, supporting GXT135P and GXT-145P cards See AIX Case Study and page on GXT135P
Need fast, stable OpenGL on Power6 using graphics cards that won't melt you system? Give us a call - we might be able to help.
Building Wall Display Systems?
Check out our new expanded HX Series. Features such as multiple "stretched desktops," hardware acceleration on all displays, rotate, video in, overlays, etc. Brochure (4MB pdf) and graphical configurator notes (2MB pdf).
Having Problems w/Linux Graphics Drivers?
Or perhaps the graphics performance doesn't quite meet your system needs? And Nvidia, ATI, Matrox, or Intel do not seem to be able to help? And delivery deadlines are approaching? You are probably using an Xorg X server (or a modified one from Nvidia), and graphics drivers from the graphics house. More ...
The Education Corner is Back
White papers, XiG propaganda, Case Studies of situations where Accelerated-X solved customer frustrations when trying to use Xorg with complex systems and so on. Corner